Friday, January 24, 2020
Switched Networks :: essays research papers
Switched Networks      Networks are getting more and more popular, and because of this more people use them, which slows them down. Networks in the future will need to have enough bandwidth to support applications, like multimedia, witch require larger bandwidth. Switching will change the way networks are designed. These changes will maximize productivity.      Switching technology is increasing the efficiency and speed of networks. This technology is making current systems more powerful. Many networks are experiencing bandwidth shortages. There are several reasons for this including: an increase in traffic, because networks have so many users, Amount of data between client/server applications, and the inefficient traffic patterns of most networks.      Switching directs network traffic in a very efficient manner. It sends information directly from the port of origin directly to its destination port. Switching increases network performance, enhances flexibility and eases moves, add-ons and changes. One of the benefits of switching is that it maintains a direct line of communication between two ports, and maintains multiple simultaneous links between various ports. It reduces network traffic by reducing media sharing. This technology has some benefits over ethernet routed networks. First, a 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps shared media can be changed to 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps of dedicated bandwidth. Routers have many devices attached to their ports, sharing the bandwidth. Switches let you to connect either a shared segment of bandwidth (workgroup) or a dedicated one (server) to each port. Second, this can be done without changing any software or hardware already on the workstations Finally, a switch installation is less complex than a bridge/router configuration. A ethernet LAN runs at 10 Mbps. Stations attach through a hub or repeater. Every station can receive transmissions from all of the stations, but only in a half-duplex. This means that stations cannot send and receive data simultaneously. In a ethernet network only one packet can transmit at one time, this is what slows down networks. The bridge, the router and the switch, all attempt to reduce transmission time to increase performance. A two-port bridge splits a network into two physical segments and only lets a transmission cross if its destination is on the other side. It also will only move a packet to the other side if it is necessary. This reduces network traffic because traffic on one side stays local. Routers link multiple networks together. It maintains the flow of traffic and routes data to the network that it must go to.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Health and Safety Problems in Rio de Janeiro
There are many health and safety problems that people in Rio de Janeiro are currently facing today. Probably one of the main problems that Rio has is its large crime rate. Rio de Janeiro has been known for its high crime rate by the State Department for the past 25 years. Crime statistics continues to be critically high and rising levels of crimes in the city of Rio de Janeiro are indicative of organized crime units. They are dealing with categories of rape, theft, gangs, drug abuses and kidnapping.Many different kinds of robberies are held in the city, especially street robberies and even robbery in your vehicle during the night. It is even difficult for tourists to come visit Rio de Janeiro because of the high crimes rates. Many tourists have experienced or seen both robbery and fraud in the city. Some even experienced rape. On April 3rd , 2012 an American woman visiting Brazil with her boyfriend was raped and beaten by 3 men onboard a bus. There should be a stricter system of law r rather have the government pass a new law regarding the issues of these crimes.That would help the city of Rio to reduce the crimes happening there. Rio de Janeiro has been known for having many slums in the city, and these areas are called favelas. Rios favelas have been statistically the center of high crimes rates. Since the 1980s, nearly every Rio favela was controlled by violent drug gangs or criminal organizations. Rio de Janeiro has over 1,000 favelas. At one point, the favelas were the home of the most wanted man in the city of Rio de Janeiro.There were many drug gangs and many people walking in the streets armed with weapons, fearing neither the police nor the government. Innocent people living in the area were afraid of the gangs. There were also many robberies and rape in the slums. In order to take care of the crime problem in their slums they established what is known as the Favela Pacification Program (FPP) first introduced in November 2008. It recruited thousands of police to secure and watch over almost every part of Rio's favelas.They established permanent presence called Unidade de Policia Pacificadora (UPP). Police took care and arrested violent drug gangs and even had the most known gangs in the slums in their custody. Because of this they were able to reduce the crime rates drastically in Rio de Janeiro. Another result of the UPPS formation is the decline of homicide rates in the city. Since 2005, homicides in the state and city of Rio de Janeiro have declined over 50 percent in real numbers and in the homicide rate.The homicide rate in the ity of Rio de Janeiro has dropped dramatically from 42 homicides per 100,000 in 2005 to 24 homicides per 100,000 in 2012. Another health issue in Rio de Janeiro is the infant mortality rate. In Rio de Janeiro the rate varies greatly from region to region. In 2008, the citys overall average was 19 deaths for every 1,000 live births until 12 months old. Barra da TiJuca, a richer neighborhood in Rio reco rded 6 deaths per 1,000 live births while another town in Rio has a rate of 21 deaths per 1,000 births. This shows the difference between the rich and the poor areas of Rio.As for prenatal care for pregnant women in Rio, only 32% of women met the target of seven visits during pregnancy. The lack of prenatal care reflects the high percentage of infant mortality. To help with the issues of infant mortality rate, Rio should issue more health centers for women or people in need of health care, especially in the slums ot Rio. Not many people can attord medical care so it would help the people to have mini health centers around their neighborhood. Women would better be able to come for checkups during pregnancy.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Reasons Of Indoor Air Pollution - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 1003 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/04/15 Category Ecology Essay Level High school Tags: Air Pollution Essay Pollution Essay Did you like this example? Air pollution is a big enough problem due to the pollution cars and factories put out, en indoors. as well as pollution humans cause. A problem that has been forming and growing for decades now, is the type of pollution that happens indoors. Humans and household appliances, are the source of the issue. The more implements that can be found in houses, the more pollution that be could be happening. But there are different kinds of air pollution. Cooking foods improperly or with more of an ingredient, example, cooking oil, can cause pollution in household air. Especially if grilling or frying said meals, this can be present. Using stoves or open fires as well can produce toxic fumes that mix with the air, which can be dangerous for human lungs and even animals. These run and feed off of chemical elements like kerosene, biomass, and coal. Even matter such animal manure or crop waste , they can burn off. 3 billion people use or prepare food using bad methods that increase the air being polluted. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Reasons Of Indoor Air Pollution" essay for you Create order Products that contain harmful chemicals like oven and dryer cleaners, floor polish, paint thinners, and grease, dust removers. Even pleasure products such as hairspray and art/craft supplies contain or are made up of complete chemicals. They can harm or even mean death if breathed, ingested, come into any physical contact, externally or internally. Although one human may react or respond more than one way, depending on their immune system or how their body may handle the reaction. Also can vary on how much of said chemicals they were exposed to or inhaled. Birth defects can occur in babies whose mother maye have had connection to these unsafe ingredients, like found in hairspray. Smoking tobacco yourself is bad enough, especially without having to breathe or inhale secondhand smoke from another person smoking tobacco. Smoking is both a danger to humans, but to the air that keeps us alive. Secondhand smoke is a well known issue that plays a huge part in air pollution itself, as it does indoor air pollution. Frequent and severe asthma attacks for peoples who have and can develop Asthma from secondhand smoke. Pollution from cigarettes is, 10 times greater than the pollution from diesel car exhaust. Lung cancer can not just happen in adults who have smoked, but who have never even picked up a cigarette in their life. Just breathing in the the smoke they have breathed,then your breathing it in for the second time, even more awful. Polishes and Varnishes such as furniture polish/varnish can be one of the main accounts and cause of indoor pollution. The chemicals is these products for cleaning and touching up furniture can be dangerous. Especially if too much is used and is allowed to rise and fester in the air. Face, eyes, and body, meaning keep them away from coming in contact with your face, eyes, or body. Volatile Organic Compound(VOC), stopped being manufactured since January 1st of 2010. Sales discontinued the following year, January 1st, 2011. Lead can be another #1 cause of the air and its pollution happening. It is a natural element of the earth that can be found. Major problem with using lead in manufacturing products for inside use, is there is no secure or safe amount of exposure to lead. Lead-related effects that come with being exposed to too much lead are irreversible, meaning the damage that could or may occur. Added to as much as gasoline, paints, water pipes, ceramic glazers, and even manure, in United States past history. We, the people of earth, have been, as early as the 1970s, to eliminate the use of lead in gasoline and paints, reducing the level of air pollution that may or has happened from those alone. Paints especially, because in houses in America, built before 1978, there is evidence of lead in older paints. But going back to today, if paint can be left unchanged by humans and just kept up and the condition t should be, makes lead in paints as hazardous to our health and well being. It is when paint o n houses and barns, when the coats of paint are not repainted for while, as in years, is when it becomes an issue of health. Left chipped, declining, an fading, is when the paint on the walls, roof, and floors, dust comes of this condition. This dust, chips, or even particles that are floating, mixing in with the air, is when you can inhale it and can become a matter of life or death. Especially if there is a huge quantity of it just lying around, molding and deteriorating. Asbestos used in the building of houses, definitely one of the number one killers of fresh, clean, pure air. The name Asbestos is the name for fibrous minerals, that are common in nature. Before the awareness of the damage Asbestos can do, is was produced all around the U.S. in supplies for the building of houses common products for the average consumer. Products or building materials containing Asbestos are- insulation, fireproofing, acoustical materials and floor tiles. Research, coming straight from scientists who do studies such as this, say the fibers that are asbestos normally cause problems with breathing and diseases such as cancer. Since these fibers can become particles in the air, they can remain in the for a long time, making being around anything involving Asbestos, dangerous to ones health. Especially if these fibers get trapped in your lungs from inhaling the air that is full of these particles. Asbestos causes diseases such as Lung Cancer and Mesothelioma, a deadly ca ncer of or surrounding thin linings around your lungs and organs. The following reasons and causes for pollution of air indoors is why you always be sure of what you bring into your house and out of your house, or anywhere you go that is indoors. Also, to know when your house was built, and if it was built before they stopped the use of Asbestos for building and the insulation.
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